Board of Trustees

The RidgeView School Board of Trustees consists of five parent trustees, a staff trustee, and the principal.

Liz de Kort – Parent Elected Trustee, Presiding Member
James Hawkes – Parent Elected Trustee
Fiona Callen – Parent Elected Trustee
Derek Morrow – Parent Elected Trustee
Katrina Hart – Staff Trustee
Cassey Prentice- Principal

The Board of Trustees meets in the third and eighth week of each term.

Public Attendance at Board Meetings
The Board welcomes community presence at board meetings and the following procedures are provided so that guests understand the rules that apply and will be followed unless otherwise authorised by the board. 

  • Board meetings are not public meetings but meetings held in public.
  • Members of the public may request speaking rights on a particular subject that is on the agenda. This request must be made at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting by emailing the board secretary or by calling the office.  Please detail what it is that you wish to speak about and provide a written submission.
  • Written submissions also need to be provided 48 hours before the board meeting so they can be distributed with the board papers.  These can be emailed to the board secretary directly at the address above or a hard copy delivered to the school office.
  • The granting of speaking rights is at the discretion of the board.
  • Speakers shall be restricted to a maximum of 3 minutes each per subject, with a time limit of 15 minutes per interest group.
  • Speakers are not to question the board and must speak to the topic. 
  • Board members will not address questions or statements to speakers.
  • Speakers shall not be disrespectful or offensive or make malicious statements or claims.
  • If the presiding member believes that any of these have occurred or the speaker has gone over time, they will be asked to finish.
  • If the meeting moves to exclude the public (usually to protect the privacy of individuals), members of the public will be asked to leave the meeting until this aspect of the business has been concluded.


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